Friday, March 15, 2019

Location Scouting!!!

Hey guys! So, in yesterday’s blog I was going to tell you guys about what happened in our group meeting in class, but I completely forgot, so that’s what I am going to talk about right now along with other exciting things going on. So, in yesterday’s group meeting I explained to my new group about our ideas and also our problems. They really enjoyed our idea of doing the establishing shots that go along with the music. They also seemed to have the same problem as us, which is not being on time with the shooting schedule. I was a bit relieved when I heard that none of them have started to film their production yet. After talking to Vale about how her group meeting, she was explaining to me about how we have to find a location of where we want to film the house scene because everyone in her group already had places where they wanted to film. We decided to choose a house in the suburbs to represent family. At first, I was saying to myself how are we going to find an empty house which looks like the family had just moved in. And then it came to me and when it did I felt extremely stupid. My dad is in the construction business and he is the general contractor. After thinking for hours, I realized that my dad could possibly have a couple of houses that would be useful for our film. When I asked him, he explained to me that he had two empty house that could work out, one bigger than the other. I immediately told me to send me pictures of what he’s got. I talked to him all through text so let me show you guys what the conversation looked like.       
Now let me show you guys the picture of one of the houses that he has available for us.
Like I said, my dad has two houses. The one that I just showed you is the smaller house. The reason I did not show you the bigger one is because my dad does not have pictures of yet, but when he does, I will make sure to show it to you guys immediately. One reason I am really happy with the house above is because it is very close to the beach, which means we will be able to film almost everything we want for the establishing shots and also for the house scenes in one day. I Hope you guys liked the pictures I just showed you, stay tuned for tomorrows blog!!!

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