Saturday, March 16, 2019

Finally Being Productive

Hey guys!! I am excited to tell you guys that we have finally started looking for other places to film for the establishing shots. As I explained yesterday, we figured out the location of where we want to film the house scenes. So yesterday, we decided to go location scouting for the establishing shots. Well, I can’t really say “we” because I was not able to make it. The amazing partner I have, Vale, was able to go find places for the establishing shots with her friend while I was at soccer practice. Here are some pictures of what we were aiming to find

Now let me show you guys what Vale was able to find and take pictures of during her journey of finding locations 
Now these are all still pictures, but I want to remind you guys that in the film opening it will be little clips of video that goes with the beat of our song choice. Keep in mind we are still figuring our song choice as we are having some difficulties trying to contact the owners, but that is something else to talk about later on. Now, I know that these pictures do not seem so bright and so appealing, so we decided to do some editing to see how it looks in the end. Let me show you what the pictures look like after some editing 
Now, I have to say they look 100 times better that without the editing. The editing tool that we used for these pictures is called BeFunky. You guys should really go check it out, it is really astonishing how it could turn an ok picture to an amazing one 
                      Image result for be funky editing
I am actually very happy right now, as it seems that we are finally starting to be productive and get started with the filming aspect of our film opening. Stick around for tomorrows blog. Peace!!!

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